Maui Lavender farm ring shot

Maui environmental weddings showcase the natural island essence of things you would find while walking along the beach.

We've found shells, pieces of driftwood, sea glass, sand, water, and kiawe wood. Natural elements become a beautiful extension of rolling waves, grassy wedding knolls, scenic mountains and valleys. Flowing runners of greenery and other inspirational elements are naturally created in Maui environmental weddings. Table place settings are enhanced by natural elements. Wedding arches are unique in style to match such an environmental scene. Color palettes are inspired by the natural tones of the seashore's greens, grays, and hint of blue.  You may include these natural elements to formal settings in creating a lovely island wedding reception.maui environmental weddingsmaui wedding decorations maui wedding decorationsmaui wedding plannerMaui wedding plannermaui environmental weddingsmaui wedding plannersBrashley-2014.03.27-21.jpg