Sugar Beach Villa

Congratulations to beautiful Tomo and Masa at Sugar Beach Villa, Maui, Hawaii!With great pleasure, Tomoko and Masayuki invite you to join the as they are married at Sugar Beach Villa, Maui, Hawaii...Come away with us!Love all of the specially selected details in aqua and brown. Tomo's father's wish was granted-- to have his daughter's wedding on the island of Maui, Hawaii. Family and friends gathered to celebrate in style and with love!Tomo loved personal and meaningful touches of detail on her dining tables. Sitting around the table with their closest family and friends was their favorite part of the day! The intimacy of the meal made for an incredibly meaningful an special time. They felt thankful to be surrounded by so much love and happiness!027803350338034003750391056905680580064007000264026701960616075107540190